Desktop performance for windows aero windows 7
Desktop performance for windows aero windows 7

desktop performance for windows aero windows 7 desktop performance for windows aero windows 7

The default theme in Windows 7 consists of a single desktop wallpaper named "Harmony" and the default desktop icons, mouse cursors, and sound scheme introduced in Windows Vista however, none of the desktop backgrounds included with Windows Vista are present in Windows 7. Microsoft provides additional themes for free through its website. The new theme extension simplifies sharing of themes and can also display desktop wallpapers via RSS feeds provided by the Windows RSS Platform. themepack, which is essentially a collection of cabinet files that consist of theme resources including background images, color preferences, desktop icons, mouse cursors, and sound schemes. A new theme pack extension has been introduced. In addition to providing options to customize colors of window chrome and other aspects of the interface including the desktop background, icons, mouse cursors, and sound schemes, the operating system also includes a native desktop slideshow feature. Support for themes has been extended in Windows 7. The Desktop Slideshow feature in Windows 7. Unlike Windows Vista, window borders and the taskbar do not turn opaque when a window is maximized while Windows Aero is active instead, they remain translucent. Windows 7 retains the Windows Aero graphical user interface and visual style introduced in its predecessor, Windows Vista, but many areas have seen enhancements.

Desktop performance for windows aero windows 7